Since 2004 – on-going contract
when required


£850,000 to date

From the outset of the project the main issues for both parties was gaining access
to each tenanted property, the void property system and the implementation and
development of their ‘keystone’ asset management data register system.
Through consultation we have assisted in developing a fast and efficient void system,
and the client now receives the property keys at the start of the week, completes
their inspection and notifies us of the specification. We then use a dedicated set of
void keys to gain access, complete our survey and our report is sent to the client
within 24hrs/same week which results in the contractor being on site a minimum of
3 days earlier than they were during the previous process.
Providing significant savings for the client year on year by utilising the electronic
TEAMS system and .csv interface to download survey data quickly and efficiently.
Our in-house Laboratory also provided a quick turnaround of sample analysis.

Amstech have always provided a quick, reliable, efficient and Value for money service to us. When an extra survey or urgent sample is required at short notice or some additional information is required, it is always provided with no problem. Amstech have a ‘can do attitude’ who treat us and our tenants / leaseholder with respect and professionalism. Where we have had large projects requiring the service of Amstech, they have always accommodated our needs.
Steve Dicks
Estates and Compliance Manager